Understanding why is my frenchie throwing up: Health Issues

why is my frenchie throwing up
why is my frenchie throwing up


Why is my frenchie throwing up ? It’s important to figure out why your Frenchie is throwing up to ensure their health and happiness. French Bulldogs can vomit due to different reasons like eating something they shouldn’t, allergies, infections, or more serious problems like pancreatitis or blockages in the digestive system. To help your Frenchie feel better, it’s best to visit a vet who can determine the cause and provide the right treatment. Let’s look at some common reasons why French Bulldogs vomit and how you can support them during this time.

Why is my frenchie throwing up ?

why is my frenchie throwing up
Common Causes of Vomiting in French Bulldogs

Nutritional Issues

The food your French Bulldog eats is very important for their health. If you suddenly change their diet, give them low-quality food, or if they have food allergies, it can make them vomit.

Digestive Problems

Digestive issues like gastritis or enteritis may cause vomiting. These problems are usually accompanied by signs such as diarrhea, reduced appetite, and lack of energy.

Foreign Objects and Toxins

French Bulldogs have a natural curiosity and may accidentally swallow things that are not safe for them.

Stress and Anxiety

Factors like alterations in daily schedule, loud sounds, or feeling anxious when separated can cause digestive issues for your French Bulldog.

Temperature and humidity

French Bulldogs have a special breathing system that can cause challenges in hot and humid conditions, resulting in discomfort and potential vomiting.

Sudden temperature changes

Transitioning from cold to hot environments can be overwhelming for French Bulldogs, leading to feelings of nausea and discomfort.

Health Problems Related to Vomiting

Why is my frenchie throwing up
Health Problems Related to Vomiting

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV)

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, also known as bloat, is a serious condition where the stomach fills with gas and twists. This can block blood flow and needs urgent veterinary care. Signs include unsuccessful attempts to vomit, a bloated belly, and obvious discomfort.


Pancreatitis is when the pancreas becomes inflamed, leading to repeated vomiting in French Bulldogs. This issue commonly happens after eating fatty foods and can come with symptoms like stomach pain, fever, and lack of energy. Treatment typically includes adjusting their diet and giving them medication for the long term.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease impacts the digestive tract lining, causing long-term issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. It’s important to consult a vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan which may include dietary adjustments and medication to manage symptoms.


French Bulldogs can experience vomiting and digestive problems due to intestinal parasites like roundworms, hookworms, and giardia. It’s important to regularly deworm and conduct fecal exams to prevent and treat parasitic infections in your furry friend.

Kidney or Liver Disease

Throwing up can also indicate issues with the kidneys or liver. These organs are important for cleansing the body, so if they’re not working well, toxins can accumulate in the blood, causing nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms to watch for are feeling more thirsty than usual, changes in how much you pee, yellowing of the skin or eyes, and overall fatigue.

Food Intolerances and Allergies

Food intolerances or allergies can cause ongoing vomiting in French Bulldogs. Some usual suspects are specific proteins, grains, and additives. Finding and removing the problematic ingredient from your Frenchie’s meals can greatly help reduce their symptoms. It is often suggested to try an elimination diet or hypoallergenic food trial to identify the exact intolerances or allergies.


Although not as frequent, throwing up can indicate cancers that impact the digestive system, liver, or pancreas. Detecting and treating these cancers early is important for improving results, which could involve surgery, chemotherapy, or palliative care depending on the cancer type and its seriousness.

Basic Treatment and Care

why is my frenchie throwing up
Basic Treatment and Care


To prevent your French Bulldog from vomiting, it’s important to take good care of them, visit the vet regularly, and watch what they eat and how they live. Here are some important steps to keep your Frenchie healthy and reduce the chances of vomiting:

  • Regular Vet Visits: Make sure to see the vet often so they can catch any health issues early on.
  • Healthy Diet: How much should a french bulldog eat ? Feed your Frenchie a balanced diet recommended by your vet to avoid upsetting their stomach. Consult with your vet to determine the best food for french bulldog and avoid sudden dietary changes.
  • Avoid Harmful Items: Keep toxic foods and objects away from your dog, like chocolate and certain plants.
  • Reduce Stress: Create a calm environment for your Frenchie with exercise and mental stimulation to prevent digestive problems.
  • Stay Hydrated: Always provide fresh water for your French Bulldog to prevent dehydration.
  • Control Portions: Stick to the right amount of food for your dog’s size and activity level to prevent overeating.
  • Watch for Changes: Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and eating habits to catch any issues early.

By following these tips, you can help your French Bulldog stay healthy and happy, and avoid the discomfort of vomiting.

Handling Vomiting

Dealing with vomiting in your French Bulldog requires a systematic approach to figure out the cause and decide on the right response.

Immediate Steps to Take:

  • Pause Food: Give your dog a break from food for 12-24 hours to let their stomach settle. Offer small sips of water to keep them hydrated without overwhelming their stomach.
  • Check Vomit: Examine the vomit for clues like undigested food, foreign objects, or bile, which can point towards different issues.
  • Watch Symptoms: Keep an eye on other symptoms like tiredness, diarrhea, or stomach discomfort, as they can help in understanding the problem.

Reintroducing Food and Water:

  • Go Slow: After the fasting period, slowly reintroduce bland foods like boiled chicken and rice in small portions.
  • Monitor Reactions: Watch how your dog reacts to food. If vomiting stops, gradually switch back to their regular diet over a few days.
  • Stay Hydrated: Make sure your dog has access to fresh water and consider giving small amounts of electrolyte solutions as advised by your vet.

When to Seek Veterinary Assistance

why is my frenchie throwing up
When to Seek Veterinary Assistance
  • Persistent Vomiting: Contact your vet if your dog keeps vomiting despite home care or shows severe symptoms like dehydration or stomach pain.
  • Emergency Signs: Get immediate veterinary help for sudden symptoms like a swollen abdomen, unproductive retching, or signs of ingesting something harmful.
  • Underlying Issues: Have any additional symptoms checked by a professional to rule out or treat possible health problems.

By closely monitoring your French Bulldog’s health and taking proactive steps, you can effectively handle and reduce the occurrence of vomiting episodes, ensuring a happier, healthier life for your furry friend.


Here’s a brief overview of why is my frenchie throwing up : There are several possible reasons including inappropriate diet, allergies, infections, or digestive problems. Pay attention to other symptoms like diarrhea, fever, or changes in behavior to better understand the underlying issue and provide appropriate care. If the vomiting continues or becomes serious, it’s important to seek veterinary help promptly for a thorough evaluation and proper treatment.

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